The social media experiment

In the European summer of 2023, I started an experiment on social media. For approximately 6 months, I posted various content on both platforms Instagram and WhatsApp. My goal was to just immerse myself in this experience and see what comes out of it. I didn’t have any expectations whatsoever. I didn’t have a plan either but my focus was on Instagram stories and WhatsApp updates. The time frame was the only clear setting and It ended yesterday with the start of 2024.

I recognise that my endeavor was highly subjective, and there are likely plenty of scientific studies (and less scientific) accounts on this subject. It would be intriguing to delve deeper into this topic with a well-defined structure and consistent method, starting with serious research to build a preliminary understanding about the subject. Regardless, it was an enlightening experience full of unexpected results. Below I share some insights from this journey:

This space seems to be dominated by female users, both in terms of audience and content creation. A male friend suggested this might be because women are attention seekers. A female online influencer believes women are in desperate need for reassurance in a dangerous world, seeking out validation and safety even through digital channels. I have also read other suggestions for the rather frequent posting on social media such as self-expression, peer-bonding and identity building. I have no idea about human psychology nor can I verify whether these assumptions have any scientific basis. However, my subjective observation does indicates that women are more active in this space in terms of sharing personal information and life experiences.

Connection and transparency
I experienced a stronger connection with family members back home. Through my posts, they could see what I am up to, what I am doing and how I am driving my life (one cannot really send pictures all the time to the 5 different family groups we have). This transparency seems to align with broader societal changes toward openness that we have been experiencing in the world. It seems we are moving towards more transparency at multiple levels. Things are being revealed and people care less about opening their lives to strangers. On Instagram, it was easy to track which family members viewed my posts. On WhatsApp, however, it was not possible. I activated the read receipts to have a better understanding of my audience but this functionality works only if the counterpart also has the read receipts active. Therefore, my understanding of audience engagement on WhatsApp remained quite limited.

Old friendships
A highlight of the journey was reconnecting with old friends. I could rekindle some old connections with people that were part of my life at some point. People sent me a like or a heart on Instagram or WhatsApp and I started some conversations. This was perhaps the most satisfying part of the journey. While It meant a time investment to write back to them and not everyone sustained a long conversation with me, the opportunity for sporadic communication with people I hold dear was gratifying.

Final insights
1. Time: Although the experience was enlightening, it is time consuming and I cannot see myself taking further steps on this journey with such intensity. I just need time for other things and I can’t see how so many people keep posting everything about everything. In other words, I’m glad the experiment is over.
2. intensity: Talking about intensity, I did observe myself becoming more active and engaging more on social media, especially in terms of talking and writing on the chat. Sometimes I would just write a lot and I kept experiencing this intensity within me. However, this has a lot do with my personal circumstances in 2023 and I am glad to go back to the “real world”.
3. Authenticity: I felt a contradiction when thinking about authenticity. At many points of the journey, I posted whatever came to my mind. I posted content about this blog, spirituality, comedy, sustainability or my general life experience, among others. However, the setting felt as a stage and I started to experience a sort of a need to address the audience with additional content. I didn’t feel pressure to post any topic in particular, but rather the need to continue posting and thinking what could be the next thing.
4. Comments: The best and funniest part of the journey was people replying to my posts or even telling me during real-life situations, even at work, how “funny” or “interesting” they find my posts. A friend told me “Andres, you’ve been posting so much lately”. Well, an experiment wouldn’t be an experiment if you tell people about it and now I can finally tell 🙂


A veces queremos hablar y no sabemos que decir
A veces nos faltan las palabras y nos escondemos detrás de una sonrisa
A veces somos más pero no podemos simplemente
A veces sale el sol y brillan nuestros ojos

Sin palabras hacemos muros
y de los muros
estacas que se clavan en el fondo de la nada
así, sin más que decir
la nada nos consume
y nos vamos al siguiente mundo

Nadie nos enseña esto del hablar
Nadie cree que podremos, hasta que gritamos
Nadie jamás ha visto nuestras marchas
nuestro ahínco e ilusión

Quisiera hablar un poco menos
para escucharme y escucharte
para esucharnos entre susurros
para verte a través del muro

Quisiera hablar un poco menos
para saber por dónde andas y cuándo te fuiste
así tendría idea dónde está la luna
para resumir la historia y nuestas marchas

Andres’s to-do list for spiritual enlightenment

I wrote this list for myself in 2015 and 2016 after I came to terms with my own life crisis. I have shared it with many people since I wrote it and the timing to put it online feels more than perfect. After all, we are going as humanity through a huge transformation. Even at the personal level among my friends and acquaintances, people seem to be experiencing a lot of turbulence. I hope it helps you a bit if you read it.
This list is a sort of collection of ideas and tasks that I found most useful at the time to face that crisis, and above all, to find “change within”. I have to repeat this: “to find change within”. Change starts and ends within ourselves before we can truly make an impact around us.
I am by no means the sole creator of this list and I don’t dare to withhold the truth of life. I wrote it for myself, as a reminder of my life lessons, and I did it while “standing on the shoulders of giants”. The list is based on discussions with people, therapy sessions, spiritual books, YouTube videos, online articles, the teachings of spiritual leaders like Eckhart Tolle and Mooji, and multiple other sources. Perhaps the most important source of this “spiritual learning” is the people I encountered in my life. People like family, friends, colleagues, or partners are the true masters here. They are the ones challenging you, triggering you, and guiding you towards your true self. Special thanks to Anett for showing me the door to myself.

1. No one can do it for you
You are alone on this one. You are the only one who can do this. No one else can get you out of your unhappiness. You might find “angels” on the way, and they might show you the door, but you still have to find the courage within to open it. You are also alone on this one because these angels might encourage you and show you your bright side, but then, at night, when it is just you, your pillow and your thoughts, things will get nasty again.
So, when should you start? The answer is easy: NOW. Now is the only moment that there is, it is the only moment that we have. Tomorrow is too late and yesterday is already gone. You need to intensify your actions in the present moment. Finding excuses to postpone this process is easy. You can always think: “I am not ready yet”. Well, that is the first door you have to open. You are already ready; you were ready yesterday.
So again, no one can do this for you, you are the only one who can do this. Your healing process might take some time, maybe some weeks, months or years. No one can tell for sure, but the crucial thing to realise is that taking that first step towards the unknown means a lot. Remember, it is up to you. Be the change in your life.

2. Start loving yourself
Stop saying negative things about yourself. Stop assuming your life is miserable. Stop blaming yourself for the mistakes made along the way. Stop focusing on the negative aspects of your life and comparing your life situation with the life situation of the ones around you. You will find for sure many reasons to suffer, but by doing this, you are just charging your life with negativity. As long as you keep putting mental barriers to your life, you will not move forward.
You will only flourish when you start living a positive cycle. That is why you need to start treating yourself well and respectfully. Allow yourself to be loved by yourself and others. Why are you so concerned about doing so many things for others and attending to so many expectations? Why do you keep postponing yourself? Do not push yourself so much. Be the biggest benefactor of this life of yours.

3. All what you are looking for is already inside you
The first step of the journey is to recognise that there is a problem. Perhaps you overreacted in front of your partner or colleague. Perhaps you were very upset and hurt because someone said something that you did not like. Perhaps you were extremely emotional because someone did something that you did not like. It does not really matter what it was. The key here is to realise that these events triggered something in you. They altered your state of consciousness in some way, opening up wounds or traumas. These wounds are less about that specific moment with your colleague or partner and more about yourself and yourself only. Most of the time, we get what we need and not what we want. People will come to your life, and you will get what you need. They will be your masters and help you out by triggering these wounds.
The second step is allowing it to happen. Embrace this pain and let it flow inside you. Once you start allowing this experience to be as it is, you would realise that you can achieve a higher level of understanding. You can first unite with this pain by focusing your whole attention on it. Then, you can start dealing with it. You can slowly stop identifying with the particular situation that triggered the pain and start seeing the pain itself. All that can change, all that can go away. Solutions to this pain will come, in time, not by some sort of magic therapy, but because you are the solution. Imagine the pain are clouds and you are the sky. Imagine you are a house and the furniture is your pain. Clouds go away at some point, you can change your furniture, and so will your pain go away. The solution is already inside you, your true self is the solution to these problems.

4. Change your mindset
Try realising that you are not your suffering, you are not your unhappiness, and you are not your thinking mind. Be aware of your thoughts. Stop having all those false ideas about yourself. Stop judging yourself. Empty yourself from definitions of yourself. We create our own realities with our thoughts. Surrender to your fears and accept “what is” (“what is” is the essence of life. It is the now, the present moment). As I said earlier, the answer is already there, inside you. Once you realise all that, you will start feeling free out of it.

"Watch your thoughts, for they become your words.
Watch your words, for they become your actions.
Watch your actions, for they become your habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become." (unclear author)

5. Life purpose
Stop trying to understand or learn how to change. It is not about knowledge. If the answer is not there, you will gradually start seeing it. Perhaps you just cannot see it today because you are thinking all the time. I would say, it is all about experiencing the truth and not knowing it. Everything that happened in the past has led you to this moment and this moment will lead you to your future. Every situation, every decision was exactly how it needed to be to bring you to this moment. Therefore, whatever you are going through, whatever you are experiencing now, let it be as it is. This is your path.

Life is now, there is no path to be found, you are already on your purpose.

The ultimate purpose of your life is to live. There are ups and downs, challenges, happy moments, sad moments, people are born, people die. It is how it is, without adjectives. Answers will come one day. They will come by themselves when the time is right. Trust the universe. Everything happens exactly the way it is supposed to.

6. Three key aspects of freedom, inner peace and enlightenment
Try to stop resisting (non-resistance) so much the bad moments and changes in your life and go with the flow. Try stop judging (non-judgment) yourself and others, but most importantly, try to stop judging your life situation. The weather, the traffic jam and your job are how they are. Indeed, you can be proactive and change things. At the material level, you can do many things, you can quit your job and leave your partner. But experiences are experiences, they are not good nor bad. You decide whether they are good or bad. The more you evaluate a situation as negative, the more you will suffer. Try to detach (non-attachment) from people, things, experiences and ideas. Money comes and goes, people live and die, jobs and experiences start and end, but above all, ideas and beliefs start and end. The most important thing is to recognise that everything is temporary, this will set you free and bring you peace. Indeed, you can love, give all what you have and enjoy your life with your partner and family for decades, but you can only do that in the present moment, in the now.

7. Try a healthy lifestyle
There are many studies that conclude the strong connection between your gut bacteria and your mood and happiness. There are many examples and also complete books about it. I may not give any special recommendation here. You should find what is best for your body. Or you can watch Julia Roberts’s movie Eat pray love 😉

8. Stop meeting the wrong people
People will try to force you to be what you are not. People may say that you should get married, get a dog and have children. They might tell you to just get drunk, smoke some cigarettes and forget your problems. People may tell you to focus on your career. They will claim that doing meditation and all the spiritual work are useless and stupid. You need to be a rebel, just don’t listen to them.
There is a second group of wrong people. Those are the negative ones. The ones that complain all the time about whatever, the ones who find always a reason to criticise themselves or others, to incriminate or accuse themselves or others because of whatever, or to victimise themselves. You should consciously stay away from those people. If you cannot stay away from them because, let’s say, they are your family, you have to consciously set very strong mental and emotional boundaries.

9. Start meeting the right people
The right people are those who want to help you during your “spiritual awakening”. They are those who listen to your fears and hug you while you cry. They are the ones who care, the ones who truly care. They are those who accept you as you are. They are those who see you as you are, without masks and disguises. You know who they are, just look at your heart and it will tell you who they are. Sometimes it may feel weird to be around them, be aware of your mind telling you to go back to your old patterns and the “wrong” people.
There is a second group of right people. These people have already started developing their consciousness. If you have ever met someone and you felt very “peaceful” or you felt “joy” while being around that person. That might be a key to know who they are. They are like a sun and shine through you.

10. Try talking and crying more
Try talking to people about your problems. This will release a huge burden because you will show yourself as you are, with your demons, you will express yourself. This will improve you vibration because you will start accepting yourself and being authentic. Crying also helps. You can proactively boost your negative feelings so much, that you will have to just get rid of them at one moment. If you are feeling down, go to hell. Only after going to hell and burning all that pain inside you, you will be free. Because you will experience the “internal death” of all that negativity.

11. Bring the fire to your life
This is one of my favourites. Fire is connected in astrology to passion, action and warmth. Do things that you are passionate about that don’t include thinking: sports, dancing, singing, yoga, laughing, screaming, being upset (of course no one wants to be upset just for fun, it’s about the meaning of the state of consciousness, it’s about the “fire” of the emotions involved). Try using your body as much as possible, connect with your body. Your body is one of the doors to spiritual awakening. Learning to say no and channeling your anger is also wonderful. It is not about screaming to your parents or your partner, but about knowing your limits and putting explicit boundaries with an assertive and kind tone. It is about expressing yourself and being true to your needs and wants without being mean to others. If you live in numbness you won’t be able to move forward. You can just let go and express all those trapped emotions.

12. Bring the positivity to your life
Allow yourself to be loved by yourself and others. Do meditation. Experience heartfelt positivity. Bring all those positive emotions to your life: love, gratitude, love, awe, love, serenity, love, hope, inspiration, pride, amusement. You can write a gratitude journal. You can establish deep and true connections with others, you can also count your blessings, every day look at yourself for a few minutes in the mirror and think about all the positive things in your life, your achievements, your trips, your loved ones, your qualities and strengths and smile at yourself for being so wonderful and unique.

13. Go to nature
Try experiencing nature, dogs, cats, birds, see them how they are in their state of freedom from the thinking mind. The tree is there, existing, not thinking. Realise that you are part of this world and that the world is not out there. You are the universe. You are the world. Nature is, as your body, another door to the “spiritual awakening”. Touch the trees or the grass with your hands and just feel their aliveness. Don’t you see that everything around you is alive? Everything inside you is alive as well and you are completely connected with that world, because you are expansive and limitless, because you are that world as well. We are one with the world and people forget that. Once you feel that oneness fear goes away.

14. Feel the silence
Enjoy the moments of silence in your life. Doing sports is good but not the best, because you are still trapped in doing. You should forget about doing sometimes and focus on just being, just sitting there, like a tree. Just sit there with yourself and your loneliness, perhaps do some meditation. It is in the silence when and where the true magic of your being arises and flourishes as an expansive and unstoppable force.

15. Be aware of your thoughts
This is perhaps one of the most difficult things to do. Sometimes you might think about your life situation. You might conclude that it is someone’s fault, or that it is your fault, or that it’s many people’s fault. Including yourself. Is that really so? How do you know that what your mind is saying is true? Stop believing your thinking mind. Every time your thinking mind sends you all those thoughts, just try to accept them and see them how they are, as thoughts, as fears or worries and remember that you are bigger than that. You are millions of other atoms or cells, and not that tiny fraction of your left (or right) hemisphere that is creating those thoughts. Whenever you have those thoughts just try to relax and enjoy the present moment, be here, now. Just as the future and the past only exist in your mind, all the other thoughts are just that, thoughts, ideas and beliefs about someone or something.

16. Practice visualisation
You can write letters to god, to the universe or to yourself. You can also just dream it. The key is to imagine yourself as connected with the universe, with your heart and not thinking. You can write a letter saying how it is to be connected and feel the deeper intelligence of the universe within you. You can visualize how happy, peaceful and content you are because of being one with yourself and the universe. You can write how wonderful it is to be aligned with your true inner purpose and to see that life is now, that there is no destination or goal to achieve. You can write how amazing is to feel that the only thing we have is the present moment and how you live it to the fullest, without drama, without self-created suffering. It doesn’t matter that you don’t have those feelings now in your life. But try to visualise them.

17. Read the books of Eckhart Tolle and remember, the truth is already inside you. Just feel it! The liberation of your thought process is “one thought away”.

Doom scrolling

Second chances are uncommon
people just leave
they look at you and judge you with all they have
as if you were a one-minute thing, an Instagram story

Perhaps you are having a weird day, full of incomprehensible ideas
perhaps it was just too much happiness and funny words that day
perhaps you got bad news and you just swallowed your pain
maybe Saturn was squaring the Sun, or just the Moon was shining all over you
whatever and however it was, the reasons to reject you are always growing

We live in a time of opportunities
You can be whatever you dream of,
with whomever you want,
don’t settle for less! They say
You can click NEXT if you don’t like the smallest detail
It’s like a never ending scrolling of people

I wonder if someone ever takes the time nowadays
the time to be with you
to just see you,
to understand you,
to feel your whole expression
I wonder if people have lost their multi-dimensionality
I wonder where is that space we used to have
that space of talking, being and seeing with a blank mind, just to experience one another

But when they next-you in their app-kind-of-life,
they just distance themselves,
they just lose themselves in their solitude
and they go for the next person, and the next, and the next
it’s a sort of addiction, an addiction of the soul for the “promised land”
How can we keep living like this?

People look for outside themselves what they can’t see in the mirror
they look and look for beauty, success, tenderness, pleasure, even love
and of course, they look for attention
attention is the new gold
We are being trained to lose ourselves and look for attention

But I am multi-dimensional!
Look at all my pictures at different venues
Look at my dog in the park
Look at me god damn it!
I am someone, I am someone to be looked at!
I am happy! I swear

Second chances are important, this is what we truly need
a simple scroll back, 3 likes, 1 super like, another message
We deserve that, not for the attention, just for ourselves
because “they” can’t take that away from us
they can’t take the courage to be soft, kind and welcoming with the stranger across the street


For mom (RIP)

6 months ago, I came closer to death
I came closer to those worlds of the invisible
It has been a fantastic ride of turbulence and disaster
A ride of grief and distress
But also, of learning and insight
Of discovery and openness to the unknown
To a new chapter, new ways and second chances

It has been a big opening to new forms of life
To different schemes and structures
To connecting the dots before the dots were words
It has been like escaping from patterns and beliefs
From my own prison, my prison of ideas

The ride, I don’t recommend it to anyone
The pain, the loss, the silence, the loneliness, I don’t recommend it to anyone
It has been like walking in Mordor looking for a lost ring of power
The emptiness is simply devastating
Suffering makes you stronger, they say
Indeed it does, it makes structurally stronger, wiser
But I still don’t recommend the ride to anyone

The discovery, however, is absolutely celestial
Imagine cutting your chest open, silencing your mind, and just hearing the beats of your heart
It is overwhelming, it has been overwhelming
At times I wanted to close my eyes and disconnect
Go back to my prison, go back to the past, the never-ending story of the past
But there is no turning back
6 months already, what an eternity
What is done is lost and we will always miss you
At least I know you are here, I see you and feel you looking after me

Of redemption

I have paid all my debts
but your revenge
oh, your bittersweet revenge
it has been one of those nightmares
I wish waking up would end my sorrow
but I am stuck 3 meters under ground

Let’s call it even, shall we?
and we can just forget why we were really here
we have sacrificed enough and lost so much
There is no escape, I know
for my escape is your loss

So here I am, after 3 days and 3 nights
the long awaited revival and beloved ascension have started
so divine, not even the Holy Spirit can describe me
and yes, I am the light, the love and the freedom
I am nothing and everything else
the space where everything happens
It is time, for you to see god beyond delusion

Can’t you see?
The light never stopped shining
It was just hidden far from your reach
under your skin and beneath this realm
You are the one to leave this eternal loop of madness
It is in your hands to open the next room

fear not, only death will bring you peace
for your resurrection is the path to clarity
Take on your grief and your sorrow, for they will guide you
Walk through your darkness, embrace your revenge
The kingdom of heaven is right here, right now
See the lamp? see the table? see the plant?
They are god thyself, but you too
so just close your eyes and find the oneness within
you are the one

The unexpected

Years of marriage
and all of the sudden you were just gone
how did we come to that?
that was unexpected

But what is the unexpected?
there is clearly no definition, so here is mine:
the unexpected is when Julia is Julia and Peter is Peter
the unexpected is the speed of lightning and its majestic power

When we are as we are
sometimes we make trouble
because we dare to feel and to dream
and normality gets out of the equation

The unexpected is you
you and your beautiful eyes like the ocean
the unexpected is that smile and the silence when you walk around
that sudden electric pulse that goes through my cells and my body
and I can’t avoid it anymore
that movement brings color to my picture and I surrender
I surrender to the unexpected

And I follow you in my dreams
like the moon follows the sun
to get some of your starlight on my chest
But you are always beyond my reach
and the horizon is my prison
as if I had no contempt but your tender smile
like the moon and the sun

Sometimes it hurts and the voices in my head become tremors of insanity
so I keep waiting
I wait for the sun to come out every day
I wait to feel that mighty flare on my skin
and I keep waiting
like the moon and the sun
let’s just dance together, because there is no tomorrow…

Can’t you see?

I looked at her directly and said: let’s dance together, before the late hour, shall we?
believe it or not, those were my words, and she laughed, she did.
she kept laughing and we talked and we danced and we laughed together
it was a miracle, like those in the movies;
I was mister charming, finally

Granma always told me I was not so ugly
so I knew since my childhood that I had chances to mate
I was never mister popular, so I had to make her laugh
that was like “the” strategy I could use against miss perfection
becoming mister funny was my last shot and it worked out

We kept talking and drinking and laughing and I was so annoyed
but how do you tell somebody?:
listen, I’m a bit of an introvert, let’s just stare at each other and kiss!
or is it perhaps just too late for so much talking? Hm…good question
anyway, the story continued on my bed and on her bed and so on, you can imagine

From being complete strangers to falling in love, unbelievable
I can only conclude it was the ocean and the wind
they surround us and involve our cells in that misty movement
it goes and comes
it’s like a dance, forward, backward and sideways, and again
you can hold on to it and be knocked down
or ride the waves and just keep swimming, keep swimming

The tiny little pieces of you in me, those are the good ones, those are the ones I miss
my bed full of long hair, my clothes full of long hair
just long hair that still keeps emerging, like magic
that extraordinary misplacement of my own things in my own house
you were the queen and king and the princess and everything

It was not your cooking, nor mine
it was the us, the us who was so promising
I was there to see you cry and smile
I was there to touch you at night, in your sleep

can’t you see?
there was so much love in that house
there was so much of us in that house
can’t you see?
I am that guy,
the one who stumbles,
the one with no name,
the one who broke apart…

Words are my talent

Words are my talent and my sword
I embrace them to fight injustice and disdain
I abuse of their exquisite fragrance to light up my spirit
and to spark the passions in my heart
so I can go beyond, to that other end
-which end?
-Klaus! this is poetry, PO-E-TRY.

Words are my talent and my universe
they wonder around as little insects
confused by the million lights in the room of my mind
and at times I tremble, for they come out and dance around my body
and things get a little bit crazy! …and a little bit weird!
but it’s all right, it’s aaaaaall righty.

Words are my talent and my curse
I try to catch them in great despair
but they move so fast, faster than the wind
that I can only smile and say:
go, just go and never come back!!!
and leave the chocolate ice cream. 🙂

Words are my talent and my success
as they jump around, from one head to another, from one soul to another
they bring wisdom and experience
and they enlighten with their true power
so remember: the magic is never lost, it’s just hidden in your closet
yes, under the slip, where else?
(slips, I meant slips, what a dirty mind, where is the respect?!).

Words are my talent and myself
they are my expression and my awareness
for I see me in every character and every empty space
we are soulmates since the beginning of life
and lovers till death brings us apart
(well, now they call it divorce).

Words are my talent and my freedom
they bring change and laughter
and show me the path to the now
oh yes! the never ending now, I’m so excited!
everyone wants you, everyone desires your sexy curves
so set me free
conquer my body and my mind
and let me be one with your colors…