Not so long ago, broken things got repaired. We have somehow fallen in a predetermined lifestyle. In a world of premeditated and planned obsolescence; there is no time and no budget to fix your old things. So we go shopping to keep the lifestyle, to keep machines working and companies making profits. We go to Read more
I have read several articles describing the top traits of highly successful people, or the 5 core characteristics of really attractive people, or the 10 things that mentally strong people do, or the I-don’t-know-what behavior of the best people in category x-y-z. These articles are mainly blog posts and they are rarely the result of Read more
Where are you german friend? I miss talking to you and listening to your crazy tales I miss laughing hard and sharing my things I miss telling you what I have done and how it went I miss being texted and texting as well I miss the other day when we met just to be Read more
What a pity there is sometimes a turning point a break in the equation it could change everything but you are stuck in the same old same even if you wish even if anything is possible and impossible is nothing There are some dreams that remain hidden ideas that continue online somewhere in the cloud Read more
Find a girl who travels and she will connect you with the Universe. Find one of them and let her show you her dreams and discoveries. Through them you can see her soul and the true meaning of those trips. Some people say they escape, because they are tired of their routine. Some others believe Read more
I have been already called random, several times, but a tree? Come on! Tree: That is so random! Andresko: Define random Tree: Andresko! Andresko: What? Tree: you are random. Andresko: ah… what do you mean? Tree: What do you mean I mean? Andresko: my question? Tree: You know what I mean Andresko: no, I don’t Read more
True Happiness is easy to achieve, because there is nothing to achieve there is no final destination that can actually make you happy there is no plan or strategy to get you there there is no car, husband, house, job, dream holidays or anything no material bound would do, just worries so smile and be Read more