Sometimes you just sit down, look outside your window and start asking all the same questions about yourself. There isn’t much hope when you unveil the eternal opposition. On the one hand, the ego, and on the other, the soul.
How obvious and refreshing sounds to hear the correct answer: Soul, what else? Is there anything else to listen to?. But the ego is ruthless and harsh, it will always attempt to murder all the best intentions and to transmute them into expressions of self glorification and vanity. It will try again and again to corrode all the magical symbols coming straight from the center of your soul. Fortunately, it is impossible to shine and shine over the rest so you easily realize that your royal blood is not that royal, not that blue, but red instead. As time goes and you hit it back to destroy some of the mirrors pointing towards your gravity in this world, vital energy starts expressing all the potential hidden between your cells. What else than humility to win this battle?. What else than pure love to evolve from the primitive sorrow?
The same treats you hated so much for neglecting all these skills look back at you, with complete and total honesty, addressing all the energy to the real center of your existence, your heart. This red engine brings peace and resilience, as the sun shines for everyone in this planet, your heart shines as well for everyone else, with the single pretention of loving. Loving is giving, giving is giving, giving a smile, a present, a hug, a cigarette or some coins to a beggar. A question or an answer, whatever it may be. Then, the only fascination to pursue and to finally reach your soul is giving.
Perhaps, there is only one remark to consider. There are too many out there and your soul will never be able to achieve such a gigantic enterprise. So it is better to make some selections and apply some filters, there might be some to put outside the circle. Plus, your ego might be confusing you again, with such goals.
I heard once the best advice ever and i followed every word as if it was a commandment from heaven. How to give? -she said-. I just looked at her waiting for a signal, a better explanation, which never came. Instead she replied: Just be, dance, paint, sing, hug, write, do stupid things, eXprEss YouRsElf… …whenever you sincerely smile at someone, you do it at yourself as well. It is impossible to learn the paths of your soul without taking a glance of the universal ability of being.