Deep soul transformation

The biggest secret to profound soul transformation lies in the people around us. They are our teachers, our friends, our neighbors, our family, our lovers. They are the ones who trigger us, who open doors to parts of ourselves we ignore, react to, or are blind to. Most of the time, these parts are hidden Read more

Andres’s to-do list for spiritual enlightenment

IntroductionI wrote this list for myself in 2015 and 2016 after I came to terms with my own life crisis. I have shared it with many people since I wrote it and the timing to put it online feels more than perfect. After all, we are going as humanity through a huge transformation. Even at Read more

The 5 core traits of people full of everything

I have read several articles describing the top traits of highly successful people, or the 5 core characteristics of really attractive people, or the 10 things that mentally strong people do, or the I-don’t-know-what behavior of the best people in category x-y-z. These articles are mainly blog posts and they are rarely the result of Read more

Las 4 puertas

Un imaginario sobre el amor y el encuentro: Física: Absolutamente claro, si esa persona no te atrae físicamente, no hay futuro. Es el factor primordial para el inicio de una relación. Sin las mariposas en el estómago y el cosquilleo en todo el cuerpo que te provoca ver a esa persona, no tiene sentido seguir Read more

El poder de los secretos

Los secretos nos otorgan tranquilidad y seguridad. Sí, por la desconfianza con la que hemos de enfrentar el mundo. Los secretos son nuestra coraza de hierro y nuestro hogar, donde somos nosotros mismos. Pues este mundo nos deja intranquilos. Nos congoja la capacidad brillante que tenemos de encontrar fácilmente el lado oscuro, de observar como Read more

Keep playing

Why are you so lost in your thoughts? -he said- That is not me you are looking at. Sometimes we just see our reflection in others -she answered- Losing is not an easy task. It helps us to see how valuable some things and some people are. It helps us to prioritize. To define new Read more

What’s on your mind?

Normally, every thought in my mind comes to an end one day. Fortunately this one was some sort of transformer and ended up on my blog. I can’t really tell if it was smart or completely stupid before, but as any kind of thought, it started somewhere. That’s the major key point that sometimes I Read more

Dark Age

Life has mysterious ways. It’s been an ugly time for some of us, crowded with misfortune and some twisted intentions. I can’t avoid moving down from the superficial layer that some even avoid and as much as I can approach life I can do with death. Spontaneous images surrounded by black episodes populate many of Read more


Hay una fuerza que inevitablemente modifica algunas conductas. Una fuerza muy potente conectada con la adaptación cultural, el tiempo y el aprendizaje. Así ha pasado conmigo, he incorporado comportamientos que antiguamente nunca pensé iban a abordar mi carácter. Uno de ellos es la distancia física, algo reconocido internacionalmente, que se manifiesta en diferentes culturas en Read more