So I went to talk to the wisest tree on earth again, looking for advice, while I was being followed by the Lion.
– Hello, I need some help.
– Why are you running?
– I am running so the Lion stays away
– He is not following you, he would never dare to harm you with his claws.
– But he is dangerous and whether I escape or confront him, he will still roar from the bottom of his entrails and will show me his huge fangs and anger.
– He will roar for ever, beyond your reach, beyond your eyes.
– So what to do? He might not cover my cheeks with blood, but the people from the village.
– It is easy my good friend, It is the cage.
– But he is free, he sees upwards and forward.
– Then talk to the stars and walk in his future.
– I don’t undersand
– I know a very good trick that can help you: go home and bring your mirror, the one you like to use to stop concealing yourself, the one you use to show yourself your kindness.
– And then?
– Then, every time he starts roaring and taking a swipe at the wind and the sun, just look into the mirror and perceive his true image…
The Lion

Diana C
January 18, 2010 at 4:00 pmhmm… now I got the idea 🙂